MARC Center

This unique project included the construction of a 30,000-square-foot, two-story job training facility for children and adults with developmental and physical challenges. Developed on an existing campus, this facility incorporated offices and an administration area, a computer lab, classrooms, and areas devoted to occupational training, package assembly, warehousing, and shipping and receiving. Also included in this project were major renovations to the existing campus parking, pedestrian walkways, landscaping and utility infrastructure.

The major challenge that MTV General Contractors, Inc. faced on this project was maintaining adequate parking as well as normal day-to-day campus operations. MTV met the challenges and exceeded the client’s expectations through collaboration and partnership. This allowed the project to be completed on time and within budget without disruption to the MARC Center’s operations.

Client: Marc Community Resources

Location: Mesa, AZ

Size: 34,432 sf, 2.53 Acres

Status: Completed


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